LINE POD 個人資料供作行銷、促銷及其他目的之同意
(隱私權政策之名詞定義於本同意亦予以沿用) 除用戶同意前述隱私權政策條款外,於個資法許可之範圍內,本公司得為下述行銷、促銷及其他目的,蒐集、處理、利用及揭露個人資料,用戶於接受本服務及勾選同意欄位時已就此表示用戶的同意,如無此等同意,本公司依個案情況可能將無法提供本服務予用戶:
為提供與本服務相關之資訊,及依據本隱私權政策第二條所列之資訊,據此向您投放您可能感興趣的本公司或LINE關聯企業或第三方之廣告、推廣促銷資訊; • 為提供或行銷服務、產品及優惠予用戶,包括但不限於本公司之特別活動及推廣促銷;
將個人資料與基於其他目的或自其他來源(包括第三方)所蒐集之資料比對,該等資料係為本公司產品及服務之提供、行銷或要約所蒐集; • 管理並組織競賽、抽獎、促銷活動、比賽活動及行銷活動,並依其與本公司接觸個人化使用者經驗;
進行市場研究、分析及調查,以使本公司得以瞭解並決定顧客偏好及分布,並進而使本公司得以提供使用者產品及服務,以及特別提案及行銷計畫,該等提案/計畫與使用者之偏好及個人資料相關;及/或 • 任何與上述目的合理相關之其他目的。 在個資法許可之範圍內,本公司得基於本文件所載目的以外之目的,使用用戶之個人資料,惟於此文件所載之特定目的外利用之前,本公司將依照法令要求通知及取得使用者同意。 用戶可隨時關閉或重新開啟根據用戶資訊所刊登的目標廣告。停止顯示的方法如下:
• 封鎖官方帳號即可停止該帳號傳送訊息型廣告。
• 依照各服務內的目標式廣告關閉功能說明即可關閉廣告 此外,即使您停止此項設定,仍會顯示並非根據您興趣喜好或屬性所刊登的廣告。
Consent to Provide Personal Information for Marketing, Promotional and Other Purposes
(Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in Privacy Policy) In addition to your consent to Privacy Policy, as long as permitted under Personal Information Protection Act, the Company may collect, process, use and disclose personal information for the following marketing, promotional and other purposes; your consent thereof is evidenced by accepting the Services and ticking the consent box, and absent such consent, depending on the situations, the Company may not be in a position to provide its Services to the user: • to provide information regarding the Services or to advertise/deliver/promote information from LINE Affiliates; • to provide information regarding the Services or to advertise/deliver/promote information that Users may be interested from LINE, LINE Affiliates, or any third party based on the information indicated in Article 2 of this Privacy Policy; • matching personal information with other data collected for other purposes and from other sources (including third parties) in connection with the provision, marketing or offering of products and services by the Company; • administering and organising contests, lucky draws, promotional events, competitions and marketing campaigns, and personalising users’ experience at the Company’s touchpoints; • conducting market research, analytics and surveys to enable us to understand and determine customer preferences and demographics for us to offer users products and services as well as special offers and marketing programmes which may be relevant to users’ preferences and profile; and/or • any other purposes reasonably related to the aforesaid. The Company may use the users’ personal information for purposes other than listed in this document to the extent permitted by Personal Information Protection Act. Company will obtain the prior consent if there will be a data usage other than listed in this document. You can turn off or turn on the targeting marketing base on your personal information by using following functions. The message type advertisement sent by Official Accounts. • You stop to receive the OA target marketing by block the official account. Other Marketing messages. • You can check the option-out instructions provided by each service. The system will still shows or push the content which is not inferred by or based on your personal interests.